Mory Carballo

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Your first draft.

Six years ago, I wrote my first drafts, and to this day, I still have saved copies. Whenever I look back at them, it's evident how much I've transformed, evolved, and build many emotions that contributed to my personal growth. It's a testament to how far I've come and how much stronger I am now.

See yourself as the initial edition of a book. Regardless of where you are or who you are, it's only the beginning. You're a work of art in progress. Just like a book, it takes many revisions, cover design, and publication to complete. You're the author of your own book. Share your own story. Don't disregard your previous drafts as they help you on this journey. They define who you are.

“I have a story that I'm passionate about and I'm dedicated to sharing it with you.”

Mory Carballo